Living on the edge. Reclaiming Ourselves. Reconnecting, Living Wildly.
Amanda Bond - Wild Edgewalker
Nature Connection Guide

Welcome! I am Amanda, a nature-lover, with a desire to share what I have found to enable connection with nature, with ourselves and others.
A certified ANFT Nature & Forest Guide, with a Master’s degree in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapeutic Practice. Having moved away from a private clinical practice in embodied trauma work and long term core process psychotherapy, I now offer wild sensory adventures in nature.
“The Forest is the therapist, the Guide opens the door.” M. Amos Clifford, Founder ANFT
These may be Forest Therapy sessions or a combination of forest bathing and foraging, as well as guided walks/hikes. All are intended to aid the art of stillness - slowing down to truly engage and connect with nature, reconnecting and rekindling our relationship with nature. We are nature.
I constantly draw on my personal experience of being in nature, experiencing d across the globe, as well as my ongoing learning in the ancient history of the British Isles, Celtic myth, culture, traditions and spirituality. I am a native of Devon and Cornwall. I have always felt close to the folklore and fairytales of these counties, as well as Jersey where I live. I also draw on my experience of transpersonal phenomena in wilder places, that have led me to develop my own animist and embodied intuitive practices, rituals and ceremonies, informed by a year-long Medicine Wheel Journey in the Andean lineage.