‘The hero’s journey…has little to offer us as women. We are not damsels in need of rescue or passive bystanders patiently awaiting the hero’s return. We want, above all, to be the protagonists of our own tales, the creators of our own adventures.
The soul path of the feminine is downward, inward, to the ground of the earth and into the very terrain our culture is attempting to exploit or silence.
If we are to become Wild Soul Women, we need to understand the immensity and potency of the wild woman archetype that is being called into consciousness at this time. And we require an initiation of our own - one that is feminine, instinctual, Earth-conscious.
That experience is the heart of the A Wild Soul Woman™ Journey.
It’s an eco-heroine’s journey: It is feminine, embodied, and earth-centred. It flows with poetry, imagination, and is fueled by instinct and intuition.
It’s an archetypal journey: Like all mythic journeys it is centred around archetypes, only these are feminine Earth archetypes, wild and empowering.
It’s a journey of transformation: It leads us from Barren Worlds (Desert Woman); to the Dark Womb (Forest Woman); to The Waters Break (Ocean and Rivers Woman); to Giving Birth (Mountain Woman); to Nurturing the Newborn (Grassland Woman).
It’s a feminine soul journey: downward, inward, in the deep roots of our being where we connect to the wisdom of the earth, far beyond the reaches of patriarchy.
This creative journey is designed for women who long to write more, dance more, be more, in order to show up fully, with all of their gifts and gladness.
Words by the Creator of A Wild Soul Woman™, Mary Reynolds Thompson.

Desert Woman

Forest Woman

Oceans & Rivers Woman

Mountain Woman

Grasslands Woman